39 forms found in the intellectual property category

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Assignment of Copyrights ($20.00)
Assignment of Patent (pdf) (complimentary)
Assignment of Trademarks and Service Marks ($20.00)
Content Distribution Agreement ($25.00)
Content License Agreement ($30.00)
Copyright Form CA (complimentary)
Copyright Forms (complimentary)
Copyright License Agreement (Licensee-favorable) ($30.00)
Derivative Works Forms (complimentary)
DMCA Agent Designation Form (pdf) (complimentary)
DMCA Amended Designation Form (pdf) (complimentary)
DMCA Counter-Notice (create your own at Chilling Effects) (pdf) (complimentary)
DMCA Notice (web site) ($15.00)
Domain Name Assignment Agreement ($20.00)
Electronic Forms for Madrid Protocol (complimentary)
End User License Agreement ($25.00)
File Patents Online (complimentary)
File Trademarks Online (complimentary)
Intellectual Property Security Agreement ($30.00)
Intent to Use (complimentary)
Intercompany License Agreement ($30.00)
LA Application for Trade Name (complimentary)
Legal Notice of License ($15.00)
Madrid Protocol Forms (complimentary)
Marketing and Distribution Agreement ($30.00)
Notice of Copyright Infringement ($15.00)
Notice of DMCA Infringement ($15.00)
Online Licensing Agreement ($25.00)
Online Trademark Assignments (complimentary)
Permission to Use Copyrighted Material ($15.00)
Renewal Forms (Trademark) (complimentary)
Request for Express Abandonment (Withdrawal) of Application (complimentary)
Shrink Wrap License (Software) ($30.00)
Software Distribution Agreement ($30.00)
Software License Agreement ($30.00)
Trademark and Service Mark License Agreement ($25.00)
Trademark Cease and Desist Letter ($20.00)
Trademark/Service Mark Forms (complimentary)
USPTO Forms (complimentary)

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