(DE) Nonprofit Certificate of Incorporation ($15.00) |
(MA) Chapter 180 Articles of Organization (complimentary) |
(MA) Form PC and Instructions (complimentary) |
(MA) Short Form PC (complimentary) |
IRS Form 1023 (pdf) (complimentary) |
IRS Form 8718 (complimentary) |
IRS Form 990 - Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax (complimentary) |
IRS Form 990 or 990EZ Instructions (complimentary) |
IRS Form 990EZ (complimentary) |
Non Profit Additional Charter Provisions ($15.00) |
Non-Profit Bylaws ($30.00) |
If you're looking for a legal form that you can't find, please and tell us what you need. So long as it is related to one of the practice areas LeapLaw covers, we'll be happy to ask our network of attorneys if they can provide a good model. Once the form is located and redacted, we'll post it on LeapLaw and notify you that it is ready for purchase. We typically respond within 24 hours, but if you're in an immediate rush, let us know and we'll do our best to expedite.